Double poem – Apology to be accepted?


No, I’m not dead. I’m simply really, really, really late.


To go with my miserable apology, I’m going to write two posts, both featuring poems. Because another reason for my lack of recent or distant posts is that every time I think of writing a post, it’s like my imagination is flat-lining. You can even hear the perpetual singing of the lack of life in my imagination. Picture me somewhat like this:imagesThen wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. Until:

Yeah. Something like that.

Goodness, I feel like I start every post with an apology.

But, enough.

Poetry time! (Title will be underlined like in grammar school)


Glinting black, blue and white.

Ripples molded by the wind,

And dissipated by its absence.

Swaying to summer’s song.

Leaves above shivering in


From the shadows I watch,

Captivated by you,

As you dance

Nature’s waltz.

I sigh and look to the ever-steady sky

And smile.


Emma 🙂